Equipa docente:
Lígia Castro - Responsável e Regente de aulas teóricas e práticas
Cursos: Mestrado Integrado em Engª do Ambiente
General Geology is the study of the earth and earth processes. Program provides a broad background in geology to give students a solid foundation on which to build a productive professional career. Engineers and other professionals work to solve environmental problems and supervise the exploration and development of earth resources. They are employed in industry, by governmental and regulatory agencies, and environmental educators. The students are expected to be capable of examining and interpreting relations among geologic materials in the field. Problem solving and critical thinking will be applied in the classroom, laboratory, and field, and effective communication skills will be expected. The students will demonstrate quantitative understanding of earth materials and processes. They will:
can identify and classify basic geologic materials, including minerals; rocks, fossils, structures, and landforms;
can interpreted basic types of geologic maps with standard geology symbols;
can visualize and comprehend geological materials or structures in 3-D based on 2-D data sets;
can analyze, interpret, and integrate diverse datasets;
can developed the skills necessary to engage in independent learning;
can create effectively in written from through words, graphs, and tables.
Introduction to basic earth science concepts. Important earth resources that have affected humankind and society.
Minerals and rocks. Origin, characteristic, textures, compositions, and modes of formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Methods for interpreting them. How different rock types are distributed on the Earth’s surface.
Sedimentary processes, depositional environments, and diagenesis, based on the interpretation and classification of sedimentary rocks.
Processes that create the landforms. Origin and development of landforms, landform classification, and geomorphic processes. Methods of geomorphological analysis, and topographic map interpretation.
Origin and evolution of the earth. Analysis of the concepts of geologic time and biologic evolution. Concentration on geologic field relations and determination of relative history.
The deformation of the Earth’s crust. The description and classification of geological structures and theoretical and physical analysis of rocks deformation.
Water resources. Origin, nature, distribution, movement, exploitation, and conservation of surface and subsurface waters.
Applying geologic methods, principles, and information to engineering and related fields. Analysis of earth materials, properties, and processes significant to modern engineering projects.
Geology of Portugal and “Geomonuments”: A survey of geologic processes and phenomena as exemplified by features of our “geological parks” and monuments.
Strongly recommended two hour lecture, a hour and a half laboratory per week.
Métodos de Ensino:
The course is characterized for theoretical and practical classes that are used for explanation of program. Activities will include field work, laboratory experiments, data analysis, writing up of results and presentations.The students have access to rocks and minerals samples, and maps.
Métodos de Avaliação:
Student assessment criteria
In-classes work sets 10%
Practical exam 30%
Theoretical exam 60%
Gass, I.G.; Smith, P.J.; Wilson, R.C.L. (1984) – Vamos compreender a Terra. Almedina Coimbra. Coimbra, 450 p.
Dercourt J.;Paquet J. (1986) – Geologia, objectivos e métodos. Almedina. Coimbra.
Carvalho, G. (1997) – Cristalografia e Mineralogia. Universidade Aberta. Lisboa,
(1997) – Geologia, Petrogénese e Orogénese. Universidade Aberta. Lisboa,
Costa, B. (1993) – Estudo e classificação das rochas por exame macroscópico. Calouste Gulbenkian. Lisboa, 8ª ed.
Bennison, G.M (1985) – Introduction to geological structures and maps. Edward Arnold. United Sates of America, 4ª ed.
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