

Sofia Barbosa

Professora Auxiliar

Sofia is particularly interested in the study of primary and secondary resources of valuable and critical metals. Also, and due to its professional experience, she has specialized skills on geoenvironmental characterisation and modelling systems specially related to soil and groundwater contamination. Between 2014 and 2017, she has been selected as an Expert Evaluator by the European Commission for the H2020 projects, being also a reviewer in different scientific journals.

2013: PhD in Geological Engineering (FCT-UNL)
2003: Master of Science in Georesources (IST – UL)
1998: Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Geological Engineering (FCT-UNL) 


Áreas Científicas

Geological & Geoenvironmental Engineering
Mineral resources, responsible mining, mine closure, metals and circular economy
Data Processing & Statistical Analysis

Present Investigation Interests
Advanced materials characterization (primary and secondary mineral raw materials)
Groundwater and reactive transport modelling
Hydrogeophysics Risk and Decision-Making Analysis


Barbosa, S. & Leal, N. Decision Making Analysis to Support Waste Recycling Policies at Different Stages of a Mine Life Cycle. Aspects Min Miner Sci. 11(1). AMMS. 000754. 2023. https://doi.org/10.31031/AMMS.2023.11.000754

Barbosa, S.; Dias, A.; Pacheco, M.; Pessanha, S.; Almeida, J.A. Investigating Metals and Metalloids in Soil at Micrometric Scale Using µ-XRF Spectroscopy—A Case Study. Eng 2023, 4, 136-150. https://doi.org/10.3390/eng4010008

Barbosa, S.; Dias, A.; Durão, D.; Grilo, J.; Baptista, G.; Cagiza, J.; Pessanha, S.; Simão, J.; Almeida, J. Exploring High-Resolution Chemical Distribution Maps of Incompatible and Scarce Metals in a Nepheline Syenite from the Massif of “Serra de Monchique” (Portugal, Iberian Peninsula). Minerals 2022, 12, 1178. https://doi.org/10.3390/min12091178.

Haneklaus, N.; Barbossa, S.; Basallote, M. D.; Bertau, M.; Bilal, E.; , E.; Chajduk, E.; Chernysh, Y.; Chubur, V.; Cruz, J.; Dziarczykowski, K.; Fröhlich, Peter; Grosseau, P.; Mazouz, H.; Kiegiel, K.; Nieto, J. M.; Pavón, S.; Pessanha, S.; Pryzowicz, A.; Roubík, H.; Cánovas, C. R.; Schmidt, H.; Seeling, R.; Zakrzewska-Kołtuniewicz, G. (2022). Closing the upcoming EU gypsum gap with phosphogypsum. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 182, 106328. ISSN 0921-3449. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106328

Amaro, S.L.; Barbosa, S.; Ammerer, G.; Bruno, A.; Guimerà, J.; Orfanoudakis, I.; Ostręga, A.; Mylona, E.; Strydom, J.; Hitch, M. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Evaluating Transitional and Post-Mining Options—An Innovative Perspective from the EIT ReviRIS Project. Sustainability 2022, 14, 2292. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14042292

Amoura S., Gaci S., Barbosa S., Farfour M., Bounif M.A. (2022). Investigation of lithological heterogeneities from velocity logs using EMD-Hölder technique combined with multifractal analysis and unsupervised statistical methods. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 208, Part C,109588, ISSN 0920-4105, https://doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2021.109588

Barbosa, S.; Dias, A.; Ferraz, A.; Amaro, S.; Brito, M.G.; Almeida, J.A.; Pessanha, S. The Dual Paradigm of Mining Waste: “From Ecotoxicological Sources to Potential Polymetallic Resources” - An Example from Iberian Pyrite Belt (Portugal). Mater. Proc. 2021, 5, 23. https://doi.org/10.3390/materproc2021005023

Barbosa, S.; Pinto, M.; Almeida, J. A.; Carvalho, E.; Diamantino, C. (2021). Hydrochemical Contamination Profiling and Spatial-Temporal Mapping with the Support of Multivariate and Cluster Statistical Analysis. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering, Vol 15, No.9. Best Paper Award. https://attachments.waset.org/21/papers/21UK090139.pdf

Barbosa, S.; Almeida, J.A.; Chambel, A. (2019). A geostatistical methodology to simulate the transmissivity in a highly heterogeneous rock body based on borehole data and pumping tests. Hydrogeology Journal, 27(6), 1969-1998. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-019-01980-7

Santos A. C., Barbosa S., Pessoa M. F., Leal N., Reboredo F., Almeida J.A., Lidon F. (2018). Speciation, mobility and adsorption effects of various metals in sediments in an agricultural area surrounding an uranium ore deposit (Nisa, Portugal). Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2018. 30(6): 503-514 https://doi.org/10.9755/ejfa.2018.v30.i6.1722

Pereira, R., Barbosa, S., & Carvalho, F.P. (2013). Uranium mining in Portugal: a review of the environmental legacies of the largest mines and environmental and human health impacts. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 36, 285-301. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-013-9563-6

Ramalho, E.C.; Carvalho, J.; Barbosa, S.; Monteiro Santos; F. (2012). “Geophysical Studies to Evaluate Geological and Hydrogeological Features in Old Uranium Mines”. Uranium: Characteristics, Occurrence and Human Exposure, Nova Science Publishers, October 2012, Chemistry Research and Applications and Nuclear Materials and Disaster Research Series. ISBN: 978-1-62081-207-5.
